23 May 2007

The Hike

Mid-morning on day two, and I'm already knackered. I went out hiking with a group this morning - only drawback is that this was in all likelihood the first athletic thing I've done since high school. I only made it halfway up, but, hey, I've got to start somewhere. I feel pretty good about it. I'll make it to the top before too long, and I'll be proud of it, too. I got a little bit of sun (but didn't burn - hoorah!), and I've started getting outside and moving again. I have Aerobics this afternoon, also, so I'm looking forward to getting more active.

Still no Coke, also, so I'm feeling good about that. Lots and lots of water just feels good. Also, I'm eating oranges like no tomorrow. I eat more oranges here than I do in Florida.

I'm excited about classes here - I really like the atmosphere. Small, relaxed, centered on our surroundings. And this group of kids and faculty members is amazing. I'm really blessed to be in this group. We've been here for two full days, and we've already begun to mesh exceedingly well. We used rope course activities to hold our very own Olympics last night - which my team (The Spartans) won with a flourish. We're a great group.

Our first outing is Saturday night - we're going to Sounion to watch the sunset. Sunday takes us downtown Athens to see the sights there. I'll be sure to have pictures and stories from there as well.

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